What Professionals Consider Before Installing Your Business Signs


Although installation is the last step in your business signage project, it's just as important as the design and manufacturing stages. Remember, your signage is only as good as its installation and, your sign installation is only as good as the installer.

Signage professionals understand the importance of a quality sign installation. They'll take several factors into account before they install your business signs. Here's a look at some of the top considerations they'll make for your sign installation.

1. Local By-Laws

Your local council may impose restrictions on the size of signage you can install, where it can be installed, and so on. Your signage company will use its knowledge of these guidelines to ensure your signage installation is carried out in full compliance with the law. That way, you can avoid being ordered to remove or pull down non-compliant signs and/or pay fines and penalties for installing signs in contravention of the set-out guidelines. 

2. Safety and Security

To install signage safely and securely, installers need the proper tools and equipment for the job. The tools and equipment needed for your sign installation depend on the type of sign you want to put up.

Shopfront signs, for example, are usually heavy and need to be installed at great heights. To lift and put up these signs safely and securely, installers will require the correct access equipment and fastenings for the project. Signage installed using the wrong fittings and fixtures poses a threat to the safety of the people that use or just pass by your commercial building.

3. Orientation

The orientation of signage impacts its visibility. The more easily people can see your sign, the more likely they are to establish contact with your business. Ultimately, this generates leads that result in increased conversions for your business.

4. Durability

The environment in which a business sign is installed can affect its lifespan. Therefore, a quality sign installation requires studying the environment that a sign will be exposed to and then taking steps to ensure the sign will last as long as possible. This may mean offering a maintenance contract to help ensure your signage will be properly looked after post-installation.

Investing in signage is a great way to grow your business, but you should ensure a quality sign installation to get the most out of your investment. Get in touch with a signage company near you to discuss your project.


10 February 2021

Signs That Shine: Tips for Small Business Owners

Your signs are hugely important. Whether they are hanging on your storefront or behind your cashier, they express your brand, reflect your image and create a certain emotional vibe. Hi, my name is Dani. I studied graphic design and have always had an eye for style. I also worked in my parents' small business for my entire life and know what it's like to be a small business owner. I decided to merge all of that in this blog, and I sincerely hope you like the results. Start exploring, and if you find a post you love, share it. I always love to have more traffic. Thanks for reading, Dani.